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- by
- Mark Jordan
- August/September, 1986
- You can think of the MUZIC MAKER as
- two programs in one. In one mode, it
- is a music editor that allows you to
- create and save music. In the second
- mode, the MUZIC MAKER serves as a
- utility that can add interrupt-driven,
- "transparent" music --music that plays
- while a program runs-- to your own
- programs.
- ---------------------
- You go through three major steps
- when creating music with the MUZIC
- MAKER-- initialization, which
- determines tempo and voices; note
- designation, which determines duration
- and octave; and parameters
- designation, which changes the
- envelope and waveforms. Because of
- this program's on-screen prompts, we
- will cover in-depth only those
- functions that might seem mysterious
- at first.
- --------------
- When you run the MUZIC MAKER, you
- are first asked if you want to append
- that session's work to a previously
- saved tune. Thus the append command
- allows you to do your work in sections
- or string songs together.
- Next, you must determine whether you
- want sharps (+) or flats (-), the
- tempo, and number of voices.
- ----------------
- After you have entered the initial
- data, you must enter your tune note by
- note. When you begin, a large note
- rests at middle C on the staff at
- left side of the screen. When you
- define this note's duration, octave,
- and name, it will appear in its
- appropriate place on the scale--
- allowing visual verification. You may
- also verify this note by listening to
- it.
- If the note is as you like it,
- pressing RETURN will take you to work
- on the next note. Pressing the back
- arrow key will let you redo that note.
- Pressing the asterisk will exit that
- voice.
- There are several things to
- remember:
- -- Dotted notes must must be preceded
- by a period.
- -- Setting the octave can be tricky--
- keep in mind that middle C is
- the beginning of the fourth octave.
- -- When asked to enter the name of the
- note, you also have the option of
- entering a rest. Type an English
- pound key for each rest.
- ---------------------
- After you have defined each note,
- you set the musical parameters --the
- attack, decay, sustain, and release,
- etc.-- and waveforms for each voice.
- The tune plays as you alter these
- values, so you can immediately hear
- the effect of your changes.
- Chances are that you will notice a
- few bad notes. You can review any
- note by pressing the back arrow key or
- edit the note that is currently
- playing by pressing 1, 2, or 3 to stop
- its voice.
- Things to remember:
- -- The "+" key adds the section you
- are testing to your segment.
- -- Pressing "0" will shut off a
- voice(s), and allow you to listen
- to just one voice at a time.
- -- The ampersand key, "&" allows you
- to single out a section of your
- tune by entering its beginning and
- ending notes.
- -- Pressing the "$" key will send you
- to a save routine. The filename
- must be 16 characters or less.
- ----------------------------
- When you have a music file debugged
- and saved, to load it, all you have to
- do is type: LOAD "song name",8,1. To
- play it in immediate mode or from
- within a program, type SYS 49152. SYS
- 65418 will stop the tune. (Remember
- to type NEW between loading the song
- and loading the program.)
- Once you SYS the song, it will play
- over and over again unless stopped.
- If you wish the song to play
- just once in a program, you should
- type in this line: SYS 49152: POKE
- 49417,0.
- --------------
- If you want to chain several songs
- together and have the program control
- which tune is played, there are
- several other factors to take into
- account.
- First, when you are composing songs,
- you must make sure each voice ends
- with a rest and that all voices of a
- song have the same number of notes.
- Use rests to "make up the difference"
- between different voices. Also be
- sure to keep track of each song's
- beginning and ending notes.
- If you want two songs to play one
- after the other, make sure any rests
- you have tacked on are equal in count
- for all three voices.
- Finally, to play a particular tune
- within a program, you first have to
- know the starting and ending note
- numbers of that tune. Before SYSing
- 49152, type the line: POKE 49433,SN:
- POKE 49408, SN: POKE 49417,EN.
- "SN" should be the starting note
- number of your selection minus one;
- "EN" is the ending note # of your
- selection.
- To have the song play through just
- once, be sure to add POKE 49417,0
- immediately following your SYS 49152.
- ------------< end of text >-----------